

The Extent of Technology in the 21st Century

"You may live to see man-mad horrors beyond your comprehension."

Demography is key. Population is what dictates the way of the expansion of the Spirit. What constitutes a people, what are their needs, their expectations and their desires and vices. In truth, AI was never meant to govern and dictate. In truth, this is the preferable option, the true hell on Earth is when the AI is controlled and domesticated. This is the true horror of technology.
In just 30 years alone, we have come from a society of faces to a society of signals. The acceleration of technology reflects the nature of the decceleration of "science" in the last century. What I mean is that, science, from relativity onwards, especially physics, has over the years, been reduced and disassociated into arbitrary symbols of symbols, abstractions and illusions. Much like art, from faces, to shapes like faces, to shapes, to nothingness. And science, like art, is cultural. That is, the acceleration of technology causes the change of demography, in turn, the dissolution of culture into signal, and then, the death drive into irreality. The irrational desireto detonate and scatter everything into incomprehensible bits and particles, straight lines of chaos.